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This month we want to call out St Valentine, the first person to celebrate love amongst us all regardless of age, race, gender or creed. What a guy. And we’re talking 269 AD here..!

We’ve done a quick survey of our people at HQ to find out how they channel their creative Valentine’s spirit in the month of love. Yes, the chocolate and flowers win medals, but how can you harness something really special to express your love for your partner? Or just the cute crush in your office that you’ve always wanted to make smile.

Drawing on our team’s personal experiences, here are 5 ways for you to have an unforgettable Valentine's Day.

Don’t stick with the norm.

Hotels are just packed with romance, room service, a different pace, deep baths and the kind of one-on-one time that we just don’t get in our packed busy lives. But Alex, our Content Manager, went one better a few years back - and set up a candlelit igloo in her garden. Unforgettable! Not to mention her significant other acted as her butler. There were three courses of beautiful home prepared food.. Blankets, roses.. You get the picture.

Surprise surprise..

Surprise is a key ingredient on the Valentine’s day menu. Being unpredictable and mysterious can get you in hot water at most times of the year - but not on the 14th Feb - so now’s the time to get to work!

Jez, our Founder, is a romantic at heart. Whilst in the mountains one year, he bribed the hotel manager to call with ‘an emergency’ back at the hotel. He and his wife rushed back, only to find the hotel room full of red balloons, rose petals and candles. He’d planned the whole thing… of course.

Go wild.

We all have the same 24 hours, but on this very special day we can use those hours very differently - whether it’s lying out under the stars with your loved one at night, or finding a place you’ve never hiked, lake you’ve never swum, or tree you’ve never climbed together.

Ben, our Brand Director, likes to channel his inner hippy, getting up pre-dawn and heading into the nearest wilderness with oysters and a picnic to witness the new day with his partner. The nearest beach, mountain or any wild space will do. Wrap up warm and enjoy the tranquillity of nature. The outdoors is free all day long.

Work it out.

There are many ways to get the heart pumping, we’re talking fitness here! We all have our unique ways of finding a healthy dose of wellbeing, whether that’s a group ride with friends, hitting the ocean for a swim or a surf, or a home yoga workout. But when it comes to the 14th Feb, Kevin our Head of Customer Service knows that nothing says I Love You like a couple’s workout, followed by a massage for two. But don’t get competitive…! A good session involves a lot of communication, teamwork and bonding. And you’ve then got the rest of the day to enjoy - who knows where it will end up…?!

Be daring.

A naked midnight gondola trip under rose petals might not be for everyone - but this is exactly what our Chairman Graham has been known to get up to on his romantic February weekends away. He didn’t disclose all the details, but did say he had to be careful of thorns at all times. Our advice is not to do this in your local street, or village, but tag it onto an away weekend in a distant city or location - if you do get spotted, no one will know who you are…!

Whether you’re single, dating, married or linked we hope there’s some inspiration here on how to spend your Valentine's Day - on your own, or with the object of your affection.

The D-Fly Team

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